Being that it is St. Patrick’s day today, I decided to look into a little bit of the origins of
Get Lucky by Becoming Best Friends with Technical Support
I love Dilbert Comics… Unfortunately, Tech Support like this is way too common. This morning I got an email
Eat Today, For Tomorrow You May Diet
I have always been somewhat conscious of my weight. I remember when I was 80 lbs. and I would
Get Lucky by Saving a Penny
Everyone has heard the saying, “a penny saved, is a penny earned”. I know I grew up hearing it. I
Mission Impossible or Possible: Get lucky With a Mission
A mission is a powerful goal with purpose and meaning behind it. I have spoken about the importance of making

To Dump Or Not To Dump: Passing Work Over To Your Employees
Here is a cute business lesson I heard a while ago: A crow was sitting atop a ladder, doing nothing
More Ways To Get Lucky By Learning A Foreign Language
I just got back from Buenos Aires this weekend and have been sick as a dog since then. Maybe I’ll
What My Trip To Argentina Taught Me About Luck
I am writing this article from my hotel room in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am here for a very short
I Hope You Dance Like Nobody is Watching
This past week while I was driving, I was listening to the radio and the song I Hope You Dance
Top 5 Reasons That You Are Not At Your Ideal Weight
1. You don’t want it badly enough! When you want something badly enough, you get obsessed with it. You buy
Get Lucky by Taking Baby Steps
My one year old daughter just took her first couple of steps recently and it is an amazing site to
Get Lucky by Learning How to Handle Depression
Depression is in my opinion one of the worst sicknesses around. It causes a downhill whirlwind that digs you deeper
Get Lucky by Educating Yourself about the Fine Print
Pretty much anywhere you go today, there will be some fine print somewhere that people are legally obligated to mention
Get Lucky by Rereading a Book
Unlucky people often think that they won’t gain anything from books, audio books, lectures or seminars. Although they often know
Get Lucky by Investing Your Time with Compound Interest
Time is the Most Valuable Asset The most valuable asset in the world is time. Time is the only asset
Flexible People Get Lucky
To get lucky you need to be extremely flexible and I don’t mean being able to touch your toes or
The Tortoise and the Hare Can Both Get Lucky
I never realized how much meaning the story of the tortoise and the hare really had. I always knew the
It Is Easier Today Than Ever Before To Get Lucky
Since the creation and popularity of the internet, the world has transitioned into the “Information Age”. Today, the most valuable
Get Lucky by Asking Questions
When I was in grade school, I remember being absolutely petrified of raising my hand and speaking up in class.
Get Lucky by Preventing a Financial Landslide
I wrote a couple times about how I am tracking my finances and that they are all pretty much automatic
You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
I have come to the realization that there comes a point in everybody’s life that they say “I am happy
Get Lucky By Keeping Up With Change Part II
Yesterday I wrote an article about keeping up with change and not relying on what your father did before you
Get Lucky By Keeping Up With Change
Have you ever heard someone say something to the effect of “it’s worked for me this long, it will continue
Get Lucky by Disciplining Yourself
Another piece of advice from The Richest Man in Babylon is to discipline yourself when it comes to saving your
Get Lucky by Paying Yourself First and Saving Some Copper
Back to the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”, here is another lesson that I feel is important to share.
Get Lucky By Flying Out Of Bed
One of the most remarkable things about being a parent is how much I can learn from my children in
Get Lucky by Helping the Future You
Jerry Seinfeld has a routine about people always messing over their “future selves”. Be it “night me” vs. “morning me”
Free Advice Has a Price
I started reading the book, The Richest Man in Babylon this morning on the subway on the way to work.
Does Billboard Advertising Placement Take Luck?
I was driving down the highway last night on the way home from a conference and my mind started to
Change Your Habits and Get Lucky
One of the most important ways to get lucky is by developing lucky habits. Everyone in the world has habits,