You may not know it but you are taking the wrong route to work. How do I know? Because most

Bite Sized Pieces of Luck For Every Day!
You may not know it but you are taking the wrong route to work. How do I know? Because most
Unlucky Failures Unlucky people look at failure as an end, a dead end. If you fail, that part of the
There is way too much information out there. Facebook generates 4 new petabytes of data per day. That is
I’m an idea guy. I have new ideas every day. I see the world and wonder why doesn’t this happen
How would you like to accomplish 12 goals this year? This year, instead of taking on too many new year’s resolutions, follow the “New Year’s Resolution Goal System” and accomplish more that you ever thought possible.
I am a little late to the game on wearable tech but I was first in line for the brand
It’s been way too long since I’ve really touched this blog and it’s about time that I got back up
If you are like me, you have a Gmail account and never delete anything until you start running out of
There is a point, or should be a point in everyone’s lives when you realize that the mighty and all knowing
When I was growing up, I used to love the song “Oh La La” because of the lyrics “I wish
I had a friend in high school who was proud of himself because every time someone told him that he
I just wrote an article on Temphunt’s Blog where I threw out a thought about where formal education is going.
What’s your first reaction when you stub your toe? Do you yell? Do you scream? Do you blame someone? Dan
Do you every have a great idea that you’d love to implement? Do you ever get inspired to do something?
Negotiations can seem really scary because most people going into a negotiation feel that they are the underdog. The other
You look at your watch and with great excitement you notice that it is 5:oo PM and time to leave
Getting lucky is often about getting out of your comfort zone and opening yourself up to new and different opportunities.
They say that the world can be broken up into two types of people, “talkers” and “doers”. In the online
When you sit down and turn on your computer, do you know exactly what you are about to do or
Doing something because you “have nothing better to do” always seems to have a negative connotation. You are bored and
Have you ever accidentally sent an email before you wanted it to go out? Possibly you were in the middle
We all love shiny objects. They are the newest thing in town that everybody is talking about. The new toys,
Everybody has heard the saying that “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” or something similar.
When I was about 7 years old, my class learned about the Titanic and how it ended up at the
A little while ago Robert Tuchman reached out to me to see if I would write a review of his
The average person never sees his credit score or finds out about his credit’s health until he is about to
I happened to be in a friend’s office yesterday when they were reading their email. One of the emails had
Tim Ferriss VS. Gary Vaynerchuk You may be a little confused. Yesterday I wrote an article about Gary Vaynerchuk and
The Disposable Age We live in the disposable age. We eat take out, use disposable dishes, and look for a
In general, people are very “happy go lucky”. They have their beliefs and values and everything in their life pretty