Since you are extremely determined and organized, you whip out your laptop or a notebook and start making charts of what you need to do, how you are going to track yourself and set clear goals. You feel great about yourself and completely prepared for January 1st when your new lifestyle will start. You are going to be great!
The Luckortunity over here is to always start things right away. Never push things off because they will get harder and harder as time goes on. The greatest chance you have at succeeding is moving ahead at full force when the idea hits your head. A new idea, whether it’s your own or someone else’s, can give you a high that will give you the extra push to get things done. If you start on that note, you have a better chance of building momentum to keep going toward your goal.
My new year’s resolution for 2008 is to get lucky. Lucky in general, in everything I do in life, from business to social to family and everything in between. This post is the beginning of me keeping to my new year’s resolution. I know that it’s not January 1st yet but I figure a few things; first, if I start now, it will get me in motion so that by New Years I will already be well on my way and have enough inertia to keep going. Second, if I start now, it will be pretty pathetic of me to not even make it to New Years for my New Year’s resolution so I will be forced to keep it up. Lastly, starting early, working hard and being persistent are some of the keys to getting lucky.
I wrote on the Luckortunity (or introduction) page that there is a major difference between “chance” and “luck”. “Chance” is winning the lottery, something people can hope for but “luck” is something people can strive for. I am convinced that every single person in the world has the potential to be lucky on a regular basis. Through this blog, I am going to go through my own personal luck and give you tips on becoming lucky yourself.