Editor’s Note: It’s been a while since I updated this blog and although most of the content and advice don’t get old, my personal information and some other details do. I’m a little older, have more kids, live in a new city, doing lots of new projects, and traveling a ton. I’m getting back into the swing of things and will get around to cleaning up/blogscaping and updating my info at some point (hopefully) soon. In the meanwhile, feel free to connect with me or ask me any questions on my contact page.
Q: What does my site have to offer?
A: This website offers its readers regular advice on getting lucky. The advice I give is based on extensive research over many years including speaking to many lucky and successful people. The successful people I speak of consist of multiple millionaires and even a few billionaires who call themselves lucky as well as numerous other people who are lucky in every aspect of their lives.
Q: Who is it written for?
A: The website is written for everyone who wants to get lucky but mostly for people who are like I was before I discovered the difference between Luck and chance.If I knew what I am writing now when I was younger, I would be a lot further ahead today.But part of being lucky and thinking like a lucky person is knowing that it is never too late to start getting lucky.
Q: What are the benefits?
A: To be lucky, you need to know what you want and make sure that you surround yourself with things that will get you there. If you want to make money, you need to talk to people who made money and read everything you can about making money. The same is for getting lucky. If you want to get lucky, you need to speak to lucky people and constantly read about being lucky and how to get lucky. An unlucky person will start reading something and decide that they know everything so they will stop reading. They also feel that they don’t need to speak to people because they know what the person is going to say. The lucky person will jump at every opportunity to learn more or hear a new point of view because no matter what, you can always learn something.
Q: What qualifies me to write this site?
A: I learned the difference between luck and chance when I was in college when I attended a lecture series given by successful businessmen and women. Every speaker spoke about working hard and getting lucky. After hearing all of the lectures, I felt that there had to be more to being lucky. These people definitely got lucky but it was not by chance. I decided to write my term paper for that series on “Luck and Lack of Luck in Business”. That started my lifelong goal of learning and sharing as much as possible about luck.
Q: Do I have any other claims to fame?
A: I am in the process of writing a series of “How To Get Lucky” E-Books on different topics.I will start releasing them for download on this site as they are each done.
I also have another blog, www.suckypoems.com. This blog is filled with rhymes, songs and other poems that just flow out of me when I am bored or procrastinating. They happen to be pretty funny if I do say so myself. This is my way of getting lucky even when I am procrastinating.
Q: Who am I?
A: My name is Amir Lehrer, I am 30 years old and living in Montreal, Canada with my wife and 4 beautiful children, ages 6, 4 2 and 0. I have a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. I work as a digital media consultant at Flid Media, a social media consulting company and recently I launched a startup, Temphunt, a search engine to connect companies with temporary and part time workers. Prior to starting Flid Media and Temphunt, I held the position of VP of Marketing and Sales at a Marketing firm in New York. My wife has a BA in Fine Arts and has a blog of her own Fabulous Mommy. The site talks about her life as a Mom to our children as well as advice and great finds for other moms.
All the best,